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Genital Aesthetics

Learn more details about Genital Aesthetics treatment and how we can help.

These aesthetic procedures aim to correct minor defects.

The penis, for example, since the most remote times, has always been related in the male imagination with strength, power and reproductive capacity.

Intimate aesthetics (male and female) aim to correct minimal defects related to the genitalia, which can improve patients' satisfaction and self-esteem.

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Removal of Tyson's Glands

Name reason:

Tyson's glands are named after Edward Tyson, an English scientist who described them in 1694 (has nothing to do with boxer Mike Tyson).

What is it for?

It is a normal structure of the penis, found around the glans (head of the penis). It has little real use and when there is abundant secretion of these Tyson's Glands there is formation of “smegma”, which resembles a “white mass”.

Why do men have enlargement of these glands?

It's a variation of the norm. Around 10% of men have very enlarged Tyson glands that can cause discomfort from an aesthetic point of view.

What's the reason to remove Tyson's glands?

Purely Aesthetic. Many men who have these enlarged glands complain about the aesthetic aspect. There are also many cases of single men having sex with new partners feeling embarrassed by the appearance similar to HPV (genital warts). There are cases that, due to lack of information, the partner gives up sexual intercourse because she thinks it is HPV (genital warts).

How is the procedure?

The only effective procedure is cauterization. There are no ointments or home remedies that effectively remove these glands.

Tyson's Glands cauterization is simple and quick (10 to 15 min). It is performed in the office, under local anesthesia, thus making it a PAINLESS procedure.

An electric scalpel is used to remove all the glands, leaving the surface smooth.

After the procedure, the patient can return to normal activities.

Resumption of penetrative sexual activities usually takes 2 to 3 weeks.

Satisfaction is very high with this procedure.

Dr. Marco Túlio urologist light blue icon

Scrotoplasty / Penoscrotal Synechia Correction

What is penoscrotal synechiae?

It is the high insertion of the scrotum into the penis, that is, the scrotum (sack) goes to the middle of the penis and significantly covers the organ leaving it looking smaller.

This condition can be congenital (born this way) or acquired. In the acquired forms, they usually occur after a postectomy (phimosis surgery), in cases where a lot of skin has been removed.

How is the surgery done ?

It is a cosmetic procedure that can give the appearance of a penis enlargement.

In surgery We perform a correction of this synechia with zetaplasty methods, or transverse incision with longitudinal synthesis, or even resection of the synechia in cases where there is excess scrotal skin. The best technique is evaluated on a case-by-case basis.

The surgery lasts around 20 to 30 minutes, the anesthesia is local + sedation and the patient can be discharged as soon as the procedure is finished and he has recovered from the sedation.

It is a surgery with a high satisfaction rate.

Dr. Marco Túlio urologist light blue icon

Pubic Liposuction

Pubic fat in some patients may be deposited disproportionately to the percentage and distribution of body fat.

It is common for these patients to arrive at the office with a complaint of a small penis, when in fact they are immersed in a large pubic fat pad.

In this procedure the  plastic surgeon from our team performs a liposuction of the pubic region with removal of excess fat from the region.

Semi-compressive dressing, combined with ice packs right after surgery and Lymphatic Drainage are care that must be taken in the postoperative period.

Dr. Marco Túlio urologist light blue icon

Penile Bioplasty for Penile Enlargement

Most men who seek this procedure do not have a micropenis. There are several attempts to fill the penis to improve its caliber for aesthetic and even functional purposes. Patients seek personal satisfaction, ego enhancement, confidence and masculinity.

The question remains:

Why not perform this procedure with the same naturalness and frequency as silicone prosthesis implants in female breasts? The vast majority of women perform the procedure for purely aesthetic reasons.

The answer is as follows:

There is still no technique or filler that promotes good results, adequate levels of satisfaction and acceptable complication rates.

Of all the alternatives, the use of fat after centrifugation and a type of hyaluronic acid are the ones that have the best results.

Existing Techniques:

The use of acellular Matrix, subcutaneous silicone implant (Penuma), PMMA among others can have very serious complications and permanent sequelae. I have seen several patients who underwent this procedure in other clinics with disastrous results. Surgery to repair after this initial damage is often complicated with poor esthetic results.

Penile Bioplasty is still considered by the Brazilian Society of Urology as an experimental procedure. In the coming years, new products should appear to solve this desire of a significant part of men.

What is our position on this surgery?

The application of hyaluronic acid or processed autologous fat can be carried out in selected cases and when all psychological work has been completed to exclude penile dysmorphism disorders.

Dr. Marco Túlio urologist light blue icon

Section of the suspensory ligament of the penis

This surgery aims to loosen the suspensory ligament of the penis in order to expose part of the penis that is internally called crura (root of the penis), giving a greater external appearance.

What are the results?

Results are variable and inconsistent. In general, it can give an increase of 1,5 to 2 cm in the best scenario (which in most cases does not meet the expectations of patients seeking this procedure.

What are the possible consequences?

Loss of the natural angulation of the erect penis (straight or upward), and the penis may become rigid but unstable (wobbly). It may happen that there is no change in size or even retraction in some cases.

What is our position on this surgery?

Due to the results presented in a literature review, we do not indicate this surgery for aesthetic purposes, but for cases of exception such as micropenis or post-operative partial penectomy with an embedded penile stump.

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011 2533-6152

Technical manager:
Dr. Marco Túlio Cavalcanti - CRM: 136.030


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